Annie & Chris's wedding in Devonport, New Zealand.
No weddings this weekend so looking forward to the time with family and friends. My great friend Tony is coming by to teach me his beer making skills again.
Now onto photography. I have always thought when the right association came to my attention, one that believed like me and every one2one photographer, that wedding photojournalism should be the mainstream - not the new fashion, I would apply to join. So I have applied and have been accepted to the Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA).
For those interested the WPJA website has a lot of useful information.
I look forward to any comments about the WPJA.
Amanda and Jonathon see you soon. Your big day at Butleigh is just around the corner.

Great news, there are a few organisations that I think hinder advancement in the industry, and tie you up in rules and regulations. So glad you've found one that will help you grow.
Here, here to that! Thanks Gareth.
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